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  • SwellingEmotions_1080_h264.mp4
  • SwellingEmotions_4K_h265.mp4



We're really getting into those intense moments here as Fischl can barely hold back her release! (˵> ◡ <˵)

And another Kitsune post today /ᐠ.  ̫  .ᐟ\ A more experimental scene was in the works that we planned to share as a WIP. But Rii was really excited to try out voicing for this angle and we couldn't wait to hear it!❤️❤️ Maybe we'll share the experimental scene later, or some other fun things we still have up our sleeves for Fischl (。> ‿ ◕。)

Phase 4 is going great too! A lot of phase 3 and 4 were reworked a bit but the results should speak for themselves! The animation is taking on its final shape and we're really excited to see it in full soon and share the finished story with you! (˵^ ◡ ^˵)❤️

So back to work we go! We have a lot to do, and tons of ideas we've been planning and preparing for after Fischl too! We'll have more to share soon! Next WIP should be much sooner too so we hope you look forward to it! Be safe and see you then!❤️❤️❤️

And a double thank you for Rii (@riizuwu) today for her double WIP on such short notice this time! Truly the best!❤️❤️





Arther Rose

Can’t wait to see this god teir animation keep up the awesome work and hope you have a good holiday soon 🥰

Bushi Mac

This animation is going to be out of this world when it's done, can't wait for full release

Gerardo Perales

Hello Vicineko what does WIP stands for?


I love the facial expressions here, great work. And awesome acting as well


Man, the closer ee get to the release(both of the animation and Fischl's😏) the better it gets and Rii's voice acting is the icing on the cake, just perfect. Can't wait to see it completed.



🥵🥰 She looks better and better everytime I see her 🥰🥵

Matt Mox

16 months later and another WIP?


Oh yah… the way I clam myself down is by imagining how amazing the release will be. The masterpiece which is ‘My Neighbor Totoro’ was animated in roughy 8 months by a team of 8 animators. This film was 86 minutes in length, fluctuated between 12-24 fps, with every frame being hand-drawn. Assuming the length of production directly correlates to the number of animators, 4 animators would take 16 months to animate it. This upcoming NSFW animation, whilst it isn’t studio Ghibli, is in no way underfunded or lacks talented animators (as shown by previous releases). So one can only imagine how godlike the release will be… and it scares me. However… I am slowly but surely running out of money… ;-;

Matt Mox

On the low end, this creator is getting $76k a month. I’d milk it for as long as possible too


Whilst we are all entitled to our theories, we’re also all a bunch of degenerates. Thus, we’ll keep paying as long as we get something amazing at the end. At least, that’s my circumstance.

Matt Mox

Sexual preference doesn’t make us degenerates, just different. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. We just prefer a little more imagination than the norm.

Pope King Joe

Emotions aren't the only thing that's swelling. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


The title really says it all. (。> ‿ ◕。) An excellent scene that focus, if more than anything so far in these WIP, Fischl's emotions as she is about to experience pure bliss. The expressions as well as Rii's voice work are great here. Looking forward to another scene like this soon hopefully! (っˆڡˆς)❤️


So expressively overwhelmed


I just noticed your model for Fischl has freckles, it's very cute.


I really love this angle with her! it feels like such a nice intimate space


Hopfully we can see it around December


(⁠ノ゚⁠0゚⁠)⁠ノ⁠~SUUUUUIIIIIII more emotions (⁠~⁠‾⁠▿⁠‾⁠)⁠~ lov u for the hard work ❤️


Patreon takes almost half the money, something like 40%, so your math is a bit off there. And it's a team here as well I think the comparison to Ghibli is pretty apt here.

Matt Mox

25k+ subscribers, $3 and $5 tiers. Let’s assume everyone is a $3/tier, even if 40% is taken out, minus the pay to what four team members maybe five? (I don’t know) Roughly $6,000 a month for a hobbyist? Let me reiterate, I’d milk it too.


Damn...it looks like Slime-kun gives her all she deserves.₍ ¬ ᴗ ¬₎ Amazing work as always❤️❤️❤️

Kawa Ayase

Really wanted to watch Fischl x Slim kun this December but 2024 seem more likely now TvT


Can join your discord.

Lalo Xd

Y como veo el video completo aquí?

Sen Pai

waiting for wallpapers with the new characters of the new genshin region